Sunday, July 4, 2010

Truly Celebrate the 4th of July!

OK America, we have been through so much this past decade. In spite of 9/11, the economy, oil spill, immigration controversy, Iraq, Afghanistan, corruption in big business, etcetera., etcetera., etcetera., we should still remember and celebrate our founding fathers that worked so hard to provide the beautiful country that we live in.

I watched a documentary this morning on the building of America. I forgot how tough and hard our forefathers worked to make a life here in the United States. The industrial revolution, the Erie Canal built by hand, and the cotton gin, long forgotten in our history are the backbone of who we are and where we have come from. These people had vision, fortitude, and dedication to improve their lives as well as the lives of others.

I believe that we Americans still have it in us to care, work hard, and make a difference for our families and future generations. Unfortunately, the distractions of a world troubled by war, angst by greed, and worry about environmental pollution, has robbed many of us of the realization that we still have a decent life here in America compared with the rest of the world.

When you are celebrating with your family and friends today, concentrate on all of the good things that we have here in America. Give thanks that we still have options and opportunities to make a life, even thought it is currently difficult, if we choose too!

Happy 4th of July!

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